Episodes 53-100 of the 'Naruto' spin-off. In this series Naruto (voice of Junko Takeuchi), Sasuke (Noriaki Sugiyama) and Sakura (Chie Nakamura) continue their education under Kakashi (Kazuhiko Inoue) as they bid to become fully fledged ninjas. The episodes are: 'Title', 'Nightmare', 'Wind', 'Writhe', 'Deprived of Eternal Sleep', 'Loneliness', 'A New Enemy', 'Impermanence', 'Contact', 'Teammate', 'The Two Kings', 'The Jet-Black Signal Fire', 'Lockdown of Darkness', 'Revived Souls', 'Everyone's Struggle to the Death', 'Moment of Awakening', 'Despair', 'Resonance', 'My Friend', 'The Quietly Approaching Threat', 'Akatsuki's Invasion', 'Under the Starry Sky', 'The Old Monk's Prayer', 'The Next Step', 'Climbing Silver', 'The Judgement', 'Unfulfilled Scream', 'Last Words', 'Sad News', 'Team Ten', 'Target: Locked On', 'Kakuzu's Abilities', 'The Terrifying Secret', 'Shikamaru's Genius', 'When You Curse Someone, You Dig Your Own Grave', 'Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken!', 'The Price of Power', 'A Shinobi's Determination', 'Orochimaru's Hideout Discovered', 'Encounter', 'Connecting Hearts', 'A Night of Rain', 'The Two Charms', 'The Unseeing Enemy', 'The Labyrinth of Distorted Reflection', 'The Target Appears', 'The Rampaging Tailed Beast' and 'Inside the Mist'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 1175 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu