The fourth season of the anime following the adventures of Goku (voice of Masako Nozawa) as he attempts to save the Earth from an alien invasion. The episodes are: 'The Heavens Tremble', 'Black Fog of Terror', 'Battle in Kami's Lookout', 'Fight With Piccolo', 'Call for Restoration', 'Suicidal Course', 'Extreme Measures', 'The World Awakens', 'Brief Chance for Victory', 'Krillin's Proposal', 'Frieza's Counterattack', 'The Mysterious Youth', 'Another Super Saiyan?', 'Welcome Back Goku', 'Mystery Revealed', 'Goku's Special Technique', 'Z Warriors Prepare', 'Goku's Ordeal', 'The Androids Appear', 'A Handy Trick', 'Double Trouble for Goku', 'Upgrade to Super Saiyan', 'The Secret of Dr. Gero', 'More Androids?', 'Follow Dr. Gero', 'Nightmare Comes True', 'Goku's Assassin', 'Deadly Beauty', 'No Match for the Androids', 'Last Ditch Effort', 'Closing In' and 'Unwelcome Discovery'.
- Region Code:
- Region B
- Duration:
- 300 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu