All 26 episodes of the Japanese anime series about a shy, angst-ridden 14-year-old who drags his feet into an unforeseen destiny. After saving a dog named Beck, Koyuki (voice of Daisuke Namikawa) stumbles into the world of underground rock music where he meets charismatic and talented guitarist Ryusuke (Yuuma Ueno). Inspired to take up the instrument himself, Koyuki is invited into a rock band of fellow disenfranchised youths and joins their cause to make an impact on the world. The episodes are: 'The View at 14', 'Live House', 'Moon On the Water', 'Strum the Guitar', 'Beck', 'Hyodo and the Jaguar', 'Lucille', 'Broadcast in the School', 'The Night Before LIVE', 'FACE', 'Summer Holiday', 'Secret Live', 'Ciel Bleu', 'Dream', 'Back to School', 'Indies', 'Three Days', 'Leon Sykes', 'Blues', 'Greatful Sound', 'Write Music', 'Performance Eve Festival', 'Festival', 'Third Stage', 'Slip Out' and 'America'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 625 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Interactive Menu, Trailers