All 26 episodes of the anime series directed by Koichi Chigira, set in the steampunk world of Prestale where vast airships and fleets of planes clash high above the ground as two kingdoms fight an endless war. Claus (voice of Mayumi Asano) and Lavie (Chiwa Saito) are two pilots caught up in this war after they take on a mission to deliver a young girl to the airship Silvana - only to be betrayed at the last minute. The episodes are: 'First Move', 'Luft Vanship', 'Transpose', 'Zugzwang', 'Positional Play', 'Arbiter Attack', 'Interesting Claus', 'Takeback', 'Calculate Alex', 'Swindle', 'Develop', 'Discovered Attack', 'Isolated Pawn', 'Etude Lavie', 'Fairy Chess', 'Breakthrough', 'Making Material', 'Promotion Sophia', 'Sicilian Defence', 'Grand Stream', 'Rook Dio', 'Queen Delphine', 'Castling Lucciola', 'Sealed Move', 'Quiet Move' and 'Resign'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 650 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:Other, Dolby Digital 2.0