The complete seventh series of the US comedy following the struggles of Malcolm, a boy with the IQ of a genius, and his family. Though Malcolm (Frankie Muniz) has a love of learning, he dislikes being singled out for his intelligence as it attracts the ire of his schoolmates. As if being labelled a geek due to his association with the other smart kids of the school wasn't bad enough, Malcolm has to deal with the stresses and strains of a family led by his mother, authoritarian control freak Lois (Jane Kaczmarek), and his caring but childlike father Hal (Bryan Cranston). The episodes are: 'Burning Man', 'Health Insurance', Reese Vs. Stevie', 'Halloween', 'Jessica Stays Over', 'Secret Boyfriend', 'Blackout', 'Army Buddy', 'Malcolm Defends Reese', 'Malcolm's Money', 'Bride of Ida', 'College Recruiters', 'Mono', 'Hal Grieves', 'A.A.', 'Lois Strikes Back', 'Hal's Dentist', 'Bomb Shelter', 'Stevie in the Hospital', 'Cattle Court', 'Morp' and 'Graduation'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 480 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): English, Interactive Menu