Episodes 154-192 of the 'Naruto' anime spin-off series. A trio of young ninjas, Naruto (voice of Junko Takeuchi), Sasuke (Noriaki Sugiyama) and Sakura (Chie Nakamura), are schooled together in the village hidden in the leaves. Each desires to become a ninja for different reasons and will face his or her own personal battles along the way. The episodes are: 'Decryption', 'The First Challenge', 'Surpassing the Master', 'Assault On Leaf Village!', 'Power to Believe', 'Pain Vs Kakashi', 'Mystery of Pain', 'Surname Is Sarutobi. Given Name, Konohamaru!', 'Pain to the World', 'Explode! Sage Mode', 'Danger! Sage Mode Limit Reached', 'Nine-Tails, Captured!', 'Planetary Devastation', 'The Fourth Hokage', 'The Two Students', 'Big Adventure! The Quest for the Fourth Hokage's Legacy: Part 1', 'Big Adventure! The Quest for the Fourth Hokage's Legacy: Part 2', 'Meeting', 'Origin of Pain', 'Tale of Naruto Uzumaki', 'Hero of the Hidden Leaf', 'Rookie Instructor Iruka', 'Iruka's Ordeal', 'Iruka's Decision', 'Kakashi Hatake, the Jonin in Charge', 'Inari's Courage Put to the Test', 'Naruto's School of Revenge', 'Gaara's Bond', 'Naruto - Outbreak', 'Deploy! Team Tenten', 'Animal District', 'Ah, the Medicine of Youth', 'Gutsy Master and Student - The Training', 'Record of the Ninja Gutsy Master and Student', 'Sasuke's Paw Encyclopedia', 'Naruto and the Old Soldier', 'Kakashi Love Songs' and 'Neji Chronicles'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 975 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu