Episodes 349-401 of the 'Naruto' anime spin-off series. A trio of young ninjas, Naruto (voice of Junko Takeuchi), Sasuke (Noriaki Sugiyama) and Sakura (Chie Nakamura), are schooled together in the village hidden in the leaves. Each desires to become a ninja for different reasons and will face his or her own personal battles along the way. The episodes are: 'A Mask That Hides the Heart', 'Minato's Death', 'Hashirama's Cells', 'The Rogue Ninja Orochimaru', 'Orochimaru's Test Subject', 'Their Own Paths', 'The Targeted Sharingan', 'A Shinobi of the Leaf', 'An Uchiha ANBU', 'Coup d'Etat', 'The Night of the Tragedy', 'J?nin Leader', 'Team 7', 'Kakashi's Resolve', 'The Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu', 'The Ties That Bind', 'Those Who Dance in the Shadows', 'The All-Knowing', 'Hashirama and Madara', 'The Era of Warring States', 'My True Dream', 'Sasuke's Answer', 'Hole', 'Something to Fill the Hole', 'Team 7 Assemble!', 'The New Three-Way Deadlock', 'Kakashi Vs Obito', 'The Directive to Take the Nine-Tails!', 'Naruto Vs Mecha Naruto', 'The Ten Tails' Jinchuriki', 'An Opening', 'The Day Naruto Was Born', 'The Divine Tree', 'A Shinobi's Dream', 'Pursuing Hope', 'A Heart Filled With Comrades', 'Obito Uchiha', 'I'm Always Watching', 'The Promise That Was Kept', 'My First Friend', 'The Adored Elder Sister', 'Hanabi's Decision', 'Madara Uchiha Arises', 'The Hidden Heart', 'A True Ending', 'The New Chunin Exams', 'The Chunin Exams Begin', 'The Three Questions', 'One Worthy As a Leader', 'The Night Before the Second Exam', 'Demon Desert Survival', 'As a Taijutsu User' and 'The Ultimate'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 1314 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese/English
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu