Collection of surviving episodes from the second and third series of the long-running British sitcom created by Carla Lane and Myra Taylor. The show follows the lives of Beryl (Polly James) and Sandra (Nerys Hughes), a pair of flatmates in 1970s Liverpool. Though friendly with each other, living in such close quarters can also be trying and the duo experience countless ups and downs as they deal with the many challenges of life. Series 2 episodes are: 'The New Flat', 'The Good Samaritans', 'The Holiday Fund', 'Look Before You Leap', 'The Wedding', 'Three's a Crowd', 'The Proposal', 'The Man Downstairs', 'The Dog', 'Granddad', 'Mother's Day' and 'Promotion'. Series 3 episodes are: 'One's a Crowd', 'Birds On the Dole', 'Good Little Girls Should Be in Bed', 'Birds On Strike', 'Fell-a-day Girl', 'Birds and Bottom Drawers', 'The Christening', 'Birds On Horseback', 'St. Valentine's Day', 'Birds in the Club', 'The Driving Test', 'Liverpool Or Everton' and 'The Parrot'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 719 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): English, Interactive Menu, Interviews: Polly James and Nerys Hughes