A decade-defining classic from the imagination of Steven Spielberg and Chris Columbus, The Goonies follows a tight-knit group of young friends desperate to save their homes from a greedy real-estate developer. After discovering a mysterious treasure map, they fi nd themselves being chased by a family of fugitives through an underground realm full of twisting passages and booby traps. Their quest: to find the hidden gold of legendary pirate One-Eyed Willy. When all seems lost, the Goonies never say die in this beloved, generation-crossing adventure.
- Region Code:
- Region A,B,C
- Duration:
- 114 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): 4K: English, Blu-ray: English, 4K: Castilian Spanish, French; Blu-ray: English, French, Latin Spanish, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: 4K: English, Subtitles: 4K: Castilian Spanish, Complex Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, Korean, Latin Spanish, Romanian, Thai; Blu-ray: English, Brazilian Portuguese, Complex Chinese, Dutch, French, Korean, Latin Spanish, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:1.78, Screen ratio 2:2.40, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital 2.0, Dolby Mono, Bonus Footage, Bonus Tracks: Cyndi Lauper 'The Goonies 'R' Good Enough' music video, Commentary: Richard Donner (director), Cast members, Deleted Scenes, Making of Documentary, Trailers