Chris McKay directs this animated adventure spin-off of 'The LEGO Movie' (2014) in which Will Arnett reprises his role as the voice of DC Comics superhero Batman. To prove the caped crusader can't live without him, The Joker (Zach Galifianakis) unleashes a horde of deadly supervillains from their prison in the Phantom Zone and enlists them in his evil scheme to take over Gotham City. Batman can't stop The Joker alone and so he must begrudgingly learn to work as part of a team. To save Gotham, he joins forces with his new sidekick, Robin (Michael Cera), who he accidentally adopted, the new police commissioner Barbara Gordon (Rosario Dawson) and his superhero friends from the Justice League. The voice cast also includes Ralph Fiennes, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill.
- Region Code:
- Region A,B,C
- Duration:
- 104 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): English, French, Cantonese, Czech, Kroen, Mandarin-Taiwan, Polish, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English, German; English, Italian, Subtitles: 4K: Arabic, Cantonese, Complex Chinese, Czech, Korean, Polish. Blu-ray: Arabic, Dutch, Estonian, French, Greek, Herbew, Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:1.78, Screen ratio 2:2.40, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Digital 5.1, Bonus Footage, Commentary: Director and Crew, Deleted Scenes, Making of Documentary, Original animation shorts; 'Dark Hoser', 'Batman Is Just Not That Into You', 'Cooking With Alfred', 'Movie Sound Effects: How Do They Do That?', 'The Master: A Lego Ninjago Short', Comic-Con Panel, Rebrick contest winners