Animated musical fantasy following Jack Skellington (voice of Chris Sarandon), the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town. When Jack, tired of the same celebrations each year, discovers Christmas Town, he decides to improve the holiday by kidnapping Santa (Edward Ivory) and taking over the festivities. Unfortunately his attempts end in disaster but, in trying to repair what he has broken, he might just discover the true meaning of Christmas after all.
- Region Code:
- Region A,B,C
- Duration:
- 77 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): English, 4K UHD: Spanish-Castilian, 4K UHD: French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish-Latin American; Blu-ray: Spanish-Castilian, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English, Subtitles: 4K UHD: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish-Castilian, Spanish-Latin American, Swedish; Blu-ray: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Spanish-Castilian, Swedish, Interactive Menu, 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, DTS Digital Surround 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1, Bonus Footage, Commentary: Tim Burton, Henry Selick (director) and Danny Elfman (music designer), Deleted Scenes, Documentaries: 'What's This?': Jack's Haunted Mansion Holiday Tour, Making of Documentary, Full-length sing-along version on Blu-ray; Song selection; Tim Burton's early film: 'Frankenweenie' with introduction by Tim Burton; Tim Burton's original poem, narrated by Christopher Lee