The first 25 episodes of the anime series about a teenage boy's adventures in a futuristic world. Living in a backwater town, 14-year-old Renton Thurston (voice of Yuuko Sanpei) dreams of being with the mercenary aircraft pilot group Gekkostate and surfing particle waves called trapar. When a giant robot called the Nirvash piloted by a young girl named Eureka (Stephanie Sheh) lands in his house, Renton's life suddenly takes a new and exciting course. The episodes are: 'Blue Sky', 'Blue Skyfish', 'Motion Blue', 'Watermelon', 'Vivid Bit', 'Childhood', 'Absolute Defeat', 'Glorious Brilliance', 'Paper Moon Shine', 'Higher Than the Sun', 'Into the Nature', 'Acperience 1', 'The Beginning', 'Memory Band', 'Human Behavior', 'Opposite View', 'Sky Rock Gate', 'III Communication', 'Acperience 2', 'Substance Abuse', 'Runaway', 'Crackpot', 'Differentia', 'Paradise Lost' and 'World's End Garden'.
- Region Code:
- Region B
- Duration:
- 625 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu