All 24 episodes of the Japanese anime in which master thief Lupin (voice of Kanichi Kurita) becomes embroiled in the schemes of a mysterious and manipulative society called the Raven. He must also match wits with Sherlock Holmes (Masato Obara), who suspects him of murder, and later begins to explore some of the mysteries of his past. The episodes are: 'Enter Sherlock Holmes', 'Detective and Crook', 'Adventure Along the (Bogus) Transcontinental Railroad', 'The Killers in the Diner', 'The Imperial City Dreams of Thieves, Part 1', 'The Imperial City Dreams of Thieves, Part 2', 'An Untold Tale', 'Last Bullet', 'The Jet-Black Diamond', 'Darwin's Bird', 'The Truth and the Raven', 'The Ghosts of Britain', 'An Invitation from the Past', 'The Mirage Women', 'Wedding Bells Ring With the Sound of Gunfire', 'Samurai Collection', 'Win Or Lose in 0.1 Seconds', 'Fakes Attract Lies, Part 1', 'Fakes Attract Lies, Part 2', 'Two Terrible Ladies', 'Welcome to the Island of Bubbles', 'My Mother's Documents', 'The Memories of a Beloved Witch' and 'What Crooks Love'.
- Region Code:
- Region B
- Duration:
- 625 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, 'Episode 0: The Times'; Clean opening and closing animations; Japanese promos x 7