All 13 episodes from the second season of the animated series based on Adachitoka's manga. School girl Hiyori Iki (voice of Maaya Uchida), who was transformed into a half-human half-phantom after an encounter with a God called Yato (Hiroshi Kamiya), prepares to attend high school despite her tumultuous experiences. Yato must contend with the embittered God of war Bishamon (Miyuki Sawashiro), whose grudge against him is only intensified by her trusted Regalia, Kazuma (Jun Fukuyama), being in Yato's debt. The episodes are: 'Bearing a Posthumous Name', 'One of Her Memories', 'False Bond', 'Wish', 'Divine Acclamation, Imprecation', 'What Must Be Done', 'How to Worship a God', 'God of Calamity', 'The Sound of a Thread Snapping', 'A Certain Desire', 'Revival', 'Your Voice Calls Out' and 'The God of Fortune's Message'.
- Region Code:
- Region B
- Duration:
- 314 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:1.78