The second series of the anime following the students of Fumizuki Academy, who possess the unusual ability to summon avatars. There is a firm hierarchy at the school, with students placed in classes from A to F - with the higher classes enjoying more powerful avatars - which makes things tough for Akihisa Yoshii and the rest of Class F when they set out to overturn the existing order. The episodes are: 'Me, Everyone and Swimming in the Ocean', 'Me, a Yukata and Festivities', 'Me, That Girl and a Stuffed Toy', 'Me, My True Colours and a Man's Dignity', 'Me, Peeking and Training Camp', 'Me, Peeking and a Far Away Paradise', 'Me, Japan and the Language I'm Unfamiliar With', 'Me, Romance and Diplomacy', 'Me, Romance and the Art of Love', 'Yuji, Shoko and Their Childhood Memories', 'Idiots, Fools and Requiem' and 'Idiots, Tests and Summoned Beasts'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 325 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Anamorphic (16:9), Language(s): Japanese, English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:1.78, Dolby Digital 2.0