Episodes 29-57 of the Japanese anime following the adventures of Goku (voice of Masako Nozawa) and his search for the magical and elusive Dragon Balls. The episodes are: 'The Roaming Lake', 'Pilaf and the Mystery Force', 'Wedding Plans?', 'The Flying Fortress - Vanished!', 'The Legend of a Dragon', 'Cruel General Red', 'Cold Reception', 'Major Metallitron', 'Ninja Murasaki Is Coming', 'Five Murasakis', 'Mysterious Android No. 8', 'Horrifying Buyon', 'The Fall of Muscle Tower', 'The Secret of Dr Flappe', 'A Trip to the City', 'Master Thief, Hasky', 'Danger in the Air', 'Bulma's Bad Day', 'Kame House - Found!', 'Deep Blue Sea', 'Roshi Surprise', 'The Trap Is Sprung', 'Beware of Robot', 'The Pirate Treasure', 'Blue, Black and Blue', 'Escape from Pirate Cave', 'Penguin Village', 'Strange Visitor' and 'Arale Vs Blue'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 745 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: Japanese, Interactive Menu