All the episodes from the first six series of the feature-length spin-off of ITV's long-running crime drama 'Inspector Morse'. Set in the mid-1960s, the show follows Endeavour Morse (Shaun Evans) in his younger years as a police constable. Working alongside his senior partner Detective Inspector Fred Thursday (Roger Allam) and PC James Strange (Sean Rigby), Morse engages in a number of investigations around Oxford, England. Series 1 episodes are: 'Girl', 'Fugue', 'Rocket' and 'Home'. Series 2 episodes are: 'Trove', 'Nocturne', 'Sway' and 'Neverland'. Series 3 episodes are: 'Ride', 'Arcadia', 'Prey' and 'Coda'. Series 4 episodes are: 'Game', 'Canticle', 'Lazaretto' and 'Harvest'. Series 5 episodes are: 'Muse', 'Cartouche', 'Passenger', 'Colours', 'Quartet' and 'Icarus'. Series 6 episodes are: 'Pylon', 'Apollo', 'Confection' and 'Deguello'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 2413 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): English, Interactive Menu