All 26 episodes of the Japanese anime following high school student Hitomi Kanzaki (voice of Maaya Sakamoto) as she is transported to the magical world of Gaea. The episodes are: 'Fateful Confession', 'The Girl from the Mystic Moon', 'The Gallant Swordsman', 'The Diabolical Adonis', 'Seal of the Brothers', 'City of Intrigue', 'Unexpected Partings', 'The Day the Angel Flew', 'Memories of a Father', 'The Blue-Eyed Prince', 'Prophecy of Death', 'The Secret Door', 'Red Destiny', 'Dangerous Wounds', 'Lost Paradise', 'The Guided Ones', 'The Edge of the World', 'The Gravity of Destiny', 'Operation Golden Rule of Love', 'False Vows', 'Reaction of Fortune', 'The Black Winged Angel', 'Storm Premonition', 'Fateful Decision', 'Zone of Absolute Fortune' and 'Eternal Love'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 650 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu