All 24 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the visual novel developed by age. The story follows the war between humanity and BETA, an alien race that has invaded Earth. Mankind pins its hopes on two gifted pilots, Yui Takamura (voice of Mai Nakahara) and Yuuya Bridges (Daisuke Ono). Can they help save the human race? The episodes are: 'The Imperial Capital Burns: Part 1', 'The Imperial Capital Burns: Part 2', 'Verdant Yukon', 'A Flock of Hazy Moons', 'The Right Stuff', 'Ultramarine', 'Wanderer's Whereabouts', 'Far East Battle Lines', 'Falling Tears', 'Premonition', 'BETA Offensive', 'The End of the Fight to the Death', 'The Value of Choice', 'A Pilot's Honour', 'Hot-On-Heels Cross', 'Pale Blue Flame', 'Dark Recollection', 'The Sound of Twisted Wings', 'Deep Green', 'The World Bares Its Fangs', 'The Future Tears Open', 'Untainted Revenge', 'The Victory Song of the Dead' and 'White Darkness'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 576 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Anamorphic (16:9), Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:1.78, Dolby Digital 2.0, Clean opening and closing animation