Episodes 1-52 of the 'Naruto' anime spin-off series. A trio of young ninjas, Naruto (voice of Junko Takeuchi), Sasuke (Noriaki Sugiyama) and Sakura (Chie Nakamura), are schooled together in the village hidden in the leaves. Each desires to become a ninja for different reasons and will face his or her own personal battles along the way. The episodes are: 'Homecoming', 'The Akatsuki Makes Its Move', 'The Results of Training', 'The Jinchuriki of the Sand', 'The Kazekage Stands Tall', 'Mission Cleared', 'Run, Kankuro', 'Team Kakashi, Deployed', 'The Jinchuriki's Tears', 'Sealing Jutsu: Nine Phantom Dragons', 'The Medical Ninja's Student', 'The Retired Granny's Determination', 'A Meeting With Destiny', 'Naruto's Growth', 'The Secret Weapon Is Called...', 'The Secret of Jinchuriki', 'The Death of Gaara!', 'Charge Tactic! Button Hook Entry!!', 'Traps Activate! Team Guy's Enemy', 'Hiruko Vs Two Kunoichi!', 'Sasori's Real Face', 'Chiyo's Secret Skills', 'Father and Mother', 'The Third Kazekage', 'Three Minutes Between Life and Death', 'Puppet Fight: 10 Vs 100!', 'Impossible Dream', 'Beasts: Alive Again!', 'Kakashi Enlightened!', 'Aesthetics of an Instant', 'The Legacy', 'Return of the Kazekage', 'The New Target', 'Formation! New Team Kakashi!', 'An Unnecessary Addition', 'The Fake Smile', 'Untitled', 'Simulation', 'The Tenchi Bridge', 'The Nine-Tails Unleashed', 'The Top-Secret Mission Begins', 'Orochimaru Vs Jinchuriki', 'Sakura's Tears', 'The Secret of the Battle!', 'The Consequences of Betrayal', 'The Unfinished Page', 'Infiltration: The Den of the Snake!', 'Bonds', 'Something Important...', 'The Picture Book's Story', 'Reunion' and 'The Power of Uchiha'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 1210 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, Dolby Digital 2.0, Dolby Digital 2.0, Bonus Footage, Production Artwork, Trailers