Episodes 402-458 of the 'Naruto' anime spin-off series. A trio of young ninjas, Naruto (voice of Junko Takeuchi), Sasuke (Noriaki Sugiyama) and Sakura (Chie Nakamura), are schooled together in the village hidden in the leaves. Each desires to become a ninja for different reasons and will face his or her own personal battles along the way. The episodes are: 'Escape Vs Pursuit', 'Unwavering Gutsiness', 'Tenten's Troubles', 'The Imprisoned Pair', 'The Place Where I Belong', 'The Yamanaka Clan: Secret Ninjutsu', 'The Cursed Puppet', 'Their Backs', 'The Hidden Plot Set Into Motion', 'The Targeted Tailed Beast', 'Neji's Judgment', 'Hopes Entrusted to the Future', 'On the Brink of Death', 'The Two Mangekyo', 'The Formation of Team Minato', 'You'll Be My Backup', 'The Blue Beast Vs Six Paths Madara', 'Papa's Youth', 'The Eight Inner Gates Formation', 'The Sage of the Six Paths', 'The Ones Who Will Inherit', 'Naruto's Rival', 'To Rise Up', 'The Infinite Dream', 'The Infinite Tsukuyomi', 'To the Dream World', 'Where Tenten Belongs', 'Killer Bee Rappuden Part 1', 'Killer Bee Rappuden Part 2', 'To See That Smile', 'Just One More Time', 'The Loser Ninja', 'The Search Mission', 'Team Jiraiya', 'Order of Priority', 'The Masked Man', 'The Sealed Power', 'The Rules Or a Comrade', 'The Child of Prophecy', 'The Caged Bird', 'Returning Home', 'The Mutual Path', 'The Difference in Power', 'Leaving the Village', 'Pursuers', 'Collision', 'Another Moon', 'Comrade', 'The Shinobi Unite', 'Rival', 'Birth and Death', 'The Genius', 'The Pain of Living', 'Shisui's Request', 'Moonlit Night', 'The Darkness of the Akatsuki', 'Partner' and 'Truth.'
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Original Language:
- Japanese/English
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu