All 26 episodes of the Japanese anime series following the adventures of Gene Starwind (voice of Shigeru Shibuya) and his crew on-board the stolen Outlaw Star spaceship. Gene and his partner-in-crime Jim Hawking (Rica Matsumoto) come up against pirates and aliens as the owners of the ship try to track them down. The episodes are: 'Outlaw World', 'The Star of Desire', 'Into Burning Space', 'When the Hot Ice Melts', 'The Beast Girl Ready to Pounce!', 'The Beautiful Assassin', 'Creeping Evil', 'Forced Departure', 'A Journey of Adventure! Huh?', 'Gathering for the Space Race', 'Adrift in Subspace', 'Mortal Combat With the El Dorado', 'Advance Guard from an Alien World', 'Final Countdown', 'The Seven Emerge', 'The Demon of the Water Planet', 'Between Life and Machine', 'The Strongest Woman in the Universe', 'Law and Lawlessness', 'Cats and Girls and Spaceships', 'Grave of the Dragon', 'Gravity Jailbreak', 'Hot Springs Planet Tenrei', 'Cutting the Galactic Leyline', 'Maze of Despair' and 'Return to Space'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 650 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu