American adult animated sitcom revolving around the lives of two 23-year-old friends, a blue jay named Mordecai (J.G. Quintel) and a raccoon named Rigby (William Salyers), working as groundskeepers at a local park. The duo try to deal with their mundane jobs as they entertain themselves and work as little as possible. They regularly skip work, to the delight of some colleagues and the annoyance of others. This leads the pair on surreal and extreme adventures, meeting a host of colourful characters along the way, including Mordecai's love interest a red breasted Robin named Margaret (Janie Haddad Tompkins) and a yeti named Skips (Mark Hamill). The episodes include: 'The Power', 'Just Set Up the Stairs', 'Caffeinated Coffee Tickets', 'Death Punchies', 'Free Cake', 'Meat Your Maker', 'Grilled Cheese Deluxe', 'The Unicorns Have Got to Go', 'Prank Callers', 'Don', 'Rigby's Body', 'Mordecai and the Rigby's' and 'Ello Guv'nor'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 119 minutes
- Extras:
- Language(s): English, Interactive Menu