All the episodes from the first season of the Japanese anime in which high school student Basara Tojo (voice of Yuichi Nakamura) has his life turned around when he meets his two new attractive stepsisters, Maria (Kaori Fukuhara) and Mio Naruse (Ayaka Asai). When Basara's father remarries and takes in the two girls, it soon becomes clear to Basara that the girls have come with deadly secrets. Maria is a succubus and Mio a future demon lord, markedly opposite from Basara who is a demon-fighting hero. The girls attempt to have power over Basara by forcing him into a contract to be a servant and he accidentally ends up as their master. When Basara must save one of the girls' lives, it soon appears that they must work together and form a bond to create an unstoppable force between them. The episodes are: 'The Day I Got a Little Sister', 'First Contract Between Servant and Master', 'Reunion and a Gap in Trust', 'When Sadness Reaches Zero', 'A Little Sister's Morning Demon Lording', 'Bearing Growing Emotions', 'The Depths of Love and Hatred', 'Erotic Succubus Out of Control', 'Merits and Demerits of Master and Servant', 'Plaintive Betrayal', 'Espionage... What Lies After', 'For This Night, This Moment' and 'The Hard, Sweet Daily Life of Toujou Basara'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 300 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu