Episodes 14-26 of the Japanese anime series in which the fate of the world rests in the hands of two 14-year-olds named Rokuro (voice of Natsuki Hanae) and Benio (Megumi Han). While Rokuro has lost his enthusiasm for exorcism after he lost control of his powers resulting in a tragic accident, he encounters a mysterious girl named Benio, who seems to have a passion for the art of exorcism. When the pair receive a prophecy which states they will have a child together who will become the most powerful exorcist in the world, they struggle to fathom how this could be possible. However, with the increase of monsters known as Kegare and the end of the world looming, Rokuro and Benio will have to work together if they are to prevent cataclysmic events from taking place. The episodes are: 'Yukatas, Stars, and Wishes - Tanabata Special', 'Goodbye to Being Alone - The Awakening of Love', 'As an Exorcist - Salvation Then Wailing', 'The Red Emblem Master Gave Me - New Talisman from Master', 'On the Eve of Battle - Triumph Over Fear', 'Both Sin and Impurity - The 10 Seconds Decision', 'Our Path - To the Future With Us Two', 'Rebirth of the Twin Stars - Sweetie Fairy', 'It's Impure, Y'know? - Philosophical Filthy Seraphim', 'Westward, Twin Stars - Hard to Be Mother', 'The Kegare's Dream - What Is Beautiful?', 'Celestial Avatar - Come Back! Southpaw' and 'Twin Stars Vs Twins - Basara Twins' Strings'.
- Region Code:
- Region 2
- Duration:
- 325 minutes
- Original Language:
- Japanese/English
- Extras:
- Language(s): Japanese, English, Interactive Menu