Bush Tetras have made punk music at the fringes for over four decades. Flashes of reggae, bursts of noise, guitars that rattle, shake and snake, born out of a gutter behind CBGBs. Over the years they have respawned time and time again, contorting their sound, tweaking the vision, remaining singular and indispensable. The band's third official LP (a misleading fact when viewed alongside a catalogue as expansive as it is influential),'They Live in My Head' is a collection of songs that sometimes reflect on the past and sometimes reckon with our current reality. From 'Ghosts of People,' on which Pat Place's legendary guitar meanders through closed doors and portals, to the scorching '2020 Vision', a matter-of-fact call to arms to get on the streets and get something done, the album addresses new and old, in both abstract and specific terms. But whether they're looking forward or backward, Bush Tetras have always been a political band, a band that calls out all kinds of bullshit. And, in that sense, 'They Live in My Head' is absolutely no exception.