The massively popular BBC drama series 'Peaky Blinders' is known for its dark and dramatic soundtrack, acting as a window into the mind of Tommy Shelby - a tortured ex-soldier who suffers from PTSD after fighting in the trenches during World War One. It's not just the low tones of Nick Cave's vocals in the opening theme tune that have become synonymous with the Birmingham-based flagship gangster drama centred around Tommy Shelby, his family and their somewhat dubious business practices. Alongside the atmospheric opener, all the songs featured in the show have been painstakingly chosen to reflect the feel of the programme (the violence, the grit, AND the glamour), which was inspired by a real group of gangsters in post WW1 Birmingham. Exclusively featured on the album are Jehnny Beth's 'I'm the Man' and Anna Calvi's series 5 score, 'You're Not God', along with Richard Hawley's (Bob Dylan) 'Ballad of a Thin Man' on CD and vinyl for the first time. The album is completed by songs from Nick Cave himself, Arctic Monkeys, The White Stripes, Royal Blood, The Last Shadow Puppets, Queens of the Stone Age, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Laura Marling, and Foals, amongst others.